Work towards your financial goals with tools developed in partnership with your iwi. Ka Uruora offers savings, education and home ownership opportunities to help you towards achieving financial independence for you and your whānau.
Developed in partnership with your iwi, our tools are designed to work together to help you on your path towards financial independence and security.
Financial education is the first step to access our Ka Uruora housing opportunities. Our Financial Education wānanga cover everything from budgeting to mortgage applications. Sign up now so you are ready when the right opportunity comes along.
Our goal is to support our iwi whānau to access affordable, healthy housing and home ownership opportunities, as a pathway to financial independence. You may find that you’re closer than you thought to realising your dream of owning a home. Sign up for a financial education course now.
Grow your savings with WhānauSaver.
Set yourself up for retirement, first home ownership or tertiary education with matching contributions from your iwi.
Ka Uruora is an innovative new iwi-led kaupapa, we exist to provide tools to support and empower whānau on their journey to financial independence and improved wellbeing.
To take advantage of our Ka Uruora opportunities, you must be a registered member of one or more of our partner Iwi. If you’re not registered with your Iwi, click on your iwi link below – do it now!
Our housing opportunities are offered in partnership with Iwi.
Ka Uruora was developed in conjunction with Taranaki and Te Atiawa Iwi and supported by the following fantastic partners. The tools and benefits we offer you wouldn’t be possible without their support.