Shared Ownership

Rourou kotahi ka ora ai te whānau.

Under our Affordable Home Ownership programme, we share the purchase cost and ownership of housing offered until you can afford to take full ownership.

How Does It Work?

Key Features
This pathway is for whānau who:


Illustrated above is one example of how our model works, a whānau had a 10% deposit and could get a mortgage to cover 80% of the cost of their first home, meaning they were 10% short of the total cost. Ka Uruora purchased the remaining 10% to help the whānau into their own home. Once the whānau can afford to own the whole house, they purchase the remaining 10% from Ka Uruora and then continue to pay off their mortgage.

  1. Not already own a home
  2. Have completed the Ka Uruora education programme
  3. Be working with Ka Uruora to complete a personal financial plan and achieve the goals under the plan
  4. Can get a mortgage to acquire at least 60% of the home’s buying price (Ka Uruora will support you through the mortgage process)
  5. Require help to achieve home ownership – our Shared Home Ownership programme is designed to support members who need our help, not those that earn enough to otherwise achieve home ownership independently – our team will help you review your eligibility

Housing Opportunities

Our housing opportunities are offered in partnership with Iwi.

Ready to know more?