Organised by Ka Uruora, with support from Te Puni Kōkiri and Te Ara Ahunga Ora – Retirement Commission, this programme supports whānau build financial capability for their future, with a key focus on first home purchase.
Our education facilitators provide a safe haven when teaching the steps around budgeting, mortgages and debt repayment. They make the dream of owning a home not so daunting and are there to give the right advice. We caught up with them and asked what they love about running the financial education courses.
Gina Blackburn (Taranaki)
Ko Taranaki te mounga
Ko Urenui me Waitara ngā awa
Ko Tokomaru te waka
Ko Ngāti Mutunga, Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō mē Rangitane ki Wairau ngā iwi
Ko Gina MacDonald āhau
I enjoy being a facilitator because I get to witness our whānau on their journey of becoming more confident about their relationship with money.
A lot of our whānau grew up in homes where money wasn’t discussed. So, learning good strategies and habits through the Sorted Kainga Ora programme gives people the power to make informed decisions about their money and how it can best work for them. The programme has fantastic impact because it breaks down how we can all create a more prosperous future for not only ourselves, but our tamariki and wider whānau too.
No matter what your financial goal is, be it home ownership, paying off debt or learning how to manage your income a bit better, this programme shares practical ways to achieve them.
Ngamata Skipper (Taranaki)
Ko Taranaki te mounga
Ko Tokomaru te waka
Ko Te Atiawa nui tonu nga Iwi
He uri no Ngati Tawhirikura, Ngati Te Whiti, Puketapu ratou Ko Ngati Rahiri nga hapu
I tipu ai i Nga Puketurua na te taha o Waiongana.
Ko Ngamata Skipper ahau.
There is real satisfaction in supporting people on learning how to make their putea work for them instead of them working for the money!
Spending time talking though their money experiences can be a rude awakening – but the realisation that we all have had good and bad experiences is what makes this course REAL.
It’s not easy but the rewards are liberating!. Nau mai whanau.
Theresa Patu (Taranaki)
Ko Te Atiawa Nui tonu rātau ko Ngati Maru, ko Taranaki ngā iwi
Ko Muru Raupatu rāua ko Kai Pakopako whenua ngā marae
Ko Puketapu te hapu
Ko Theresa Patu au
Tossing up whether to take part in the next Sorted Kāinga Ora intake?
What are your hesitations? Quite frankly, all you have to give at this stage is your time to participate. Financial literacy and capability is far beyond home ownership so you will be setting core values within yourself that you can then pass on to your tamariki from generation to generation. There aren’t many ways to become a millionaire, you either;
1 – Inherit it
2 – Win it
3 – Create it
If you don’t have those skills or your tupuna weren’t given the opportunity to learn these skills for you to inherit or you haven’t won lotto you need to learn them for yourself.
Ritihia Waller (Taranaki
He uri tēnei o Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahinerangi, Taranaki me te Whakatohea.
He whakatauki ka whakatinana i tēnei kaupapa:
Te manu kai I te matauranga nōna te ao
The opportunity to empower uri to utilise their resources for the future of their whānau is a privilege.
Financial Literacy is only the start for whānau – I recommend this course to all whānau even my own. We want to normalise the conversation around finance within our whānau so we can better equip our tamariki to enter a world where financial literacy can be the difference in gaining financial freedom.
We deliver this kaupapa under the mātāpono of Manaakitanga, māhakitanga and aroha. Nau mai e te whānau.