Are you registered with your Iwi?

WhānauSaver is exclusive to registered members of participating Iwi. If you're not a registered member of one or more of your Iwi, select from the participating Iwi below and register now, then come back and register for WhānauSaver.

Join WhānauSaver now

To register, you will need your Driver’s License or Birth Certificate handy. You also need to read the WhānauSaver Product Disclosure Statement which you can find here. To register your tamariki/mokopuna for WhānauSaver, you must be registered yourself. 

Register with your Iwi

To take advantage you must be a registered member of one or more of our partner Iwi. If you haven’t yet registered yourself or your tamariki with your Iwi, click below and do it now so that you can benefit from Iwi Contributions and Māori Authority tax credits.

Ngāti Ruanui


Sometimes it’s easier to talk to someone. 
Get in touch and we’d be more than happy to answer your questions.